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PROF.TABITHA JANUMALA International Conference Publications

List of International Conference Publications:

1. Tabitha Janumala, Dr.Ramesh K B, Mr. Harish A Haralachar, "Development of an image based molleling tool for the spinal deformity detection using curve fitting technique", Proceedings of “International Conference on Health and Medicine (ICHM-2018)”, page 41-44. ISBN:9788192958026 Institute of Science and Engineering Research (ISER) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 31st March, 2018.

2. Tabitha Janumala, Dr, Ramesh K B, " Design and development of algorithm for the detection of scoliosis using Histogram technique",  Proceedings of “16th International Conference on Academic Research in Engineering Science and Technology (AREST-2017)”, page 14-17. ISBN:978-93-85225-94-9 Technical Research Organisation India (TROI) Bangalore, 2nd July 2017

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